~ {pretty, happy, funny, real} ~
Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, at Like Mother, Like Daughter!
What is this {pretty, happy, funny, real} you speak of?
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Judah has been super curious, super active, and super independent lately. It's resulted in a few more tumbles than usual and some frustration when things don't quite go the way he'd like them to. Thursday was one of those days that I think he tumbled about four times before mid afternoon. It didn't slow him down at all though and he made up this new game on the couches!
I found this stalwart little plant growing in a tiny strip of exposed dirt along the front of the house. Sadly, I don't think it will have survived the -16C night we've had since then!

We had a couple of abnormally warm days this week which had us all wanting to be outside as much as possible. The kids wanted to read out on the deal and I had a hankering to sit in a deck chair with a cup of coffee. There was a slight hiccough in our plans - the deck was covered in snow from throughout the winter as well as a fresh dump of it from where we shovelled part of the roof. Only one thing to do, break out the shovels and a work crew! Hendrik, Riley, and I worked together for close to two hours to get the two foot tall bank of snow off the deck. The effort was well worth it. We were able to sit out in the sunshine and enjoy the fleeting almost +10C temperatures! (P.S. As soon as it is above freezing at night the deck is getting stained! The previous owner used what we guess to be wall paint on the cedar(!!!). Not only is it peeling like mad in places it is dangerously slick, even when dry, in the cold. Time to make it prettier and safer!

The fresh air was too much for this little guy! He fell asleep across the back of the couch!

When I upload photos to the computer I never know what I am going to find! The girls got ahold of the iPad or phone the other day and this is what awaited me...