Update: November went completely sideways. Dental issues and health issues monopolized the month! I will have to try again another time. Perhaps NaNoWriMo will have to take place for me in January.
I've signed up for NaNoWriMo this year! For those of you wondering, that stands for National Novel Writing Month and it has been a recurring event since 1999. I've joined in the past but abandoned it early on in the process. This year I feel as though I need to work my brain in different ways and thought this just might be the way to do it. A dear friend of mine, Sarah, is also writing this month so I have a real, live buddy in this crazy project. I have no clue whether I will finish the whole 50,000 words or not, but it will be good exercise for the old grey matter anyway! I don't even feel as though I have a specific story to tell just yet, but there are a few little thoughts meandering around in my head that may join forces to create something bigger. Time will tell! Off to make a cup of herbal tea and hope that inspiration strikes!