My big camera and I seem to have had a bit of a falling out of late. I'm not sure what happened but things are not going as well as they once did! I have a new-to-me lens for it but have not taken the time to figure out which settings work best with it. The result has been a lot of blurry photos! The lens is a larger one and so it makes it more difficult to get a clear photo in low light as it is also a heavy lens and and harder to keep still without the use of a tripod (which I do not own!). I much prefer taking photos without the use of my flash so I may need to invest in a tripod in the near future. Before I do that, I could do what one does when all else fails - READ THE DIRECTIONS. Yup! Confession: I have never read my camera's manual, despite having the camera for 3 years. I have not read the info that has come with my lenses. I have a book on how to better use my DSLR - not read either. You can see why improvement might be readily achieved. This learning by osmosis bit does not seem to work in this case!
Meet my new friend:
I will be spending some time getting know my camera properly by actually reviewing the manual and by following the tips in this book. Here's to better photos in 2015!
P.S. My camera is technically an old camera but I am rather attached to it. It was used when I bought it and I hope it has many more shutter clicks left on it! It's Nikon D80. My only wish? That it had video capabilities.