My mom had the brilliant idea of us all gathering at the Salt River Day Use Area for a Labour Day Cookout. The following day was the first day of school for many students in our area and so it seemed a good way to make the most of the last few hours of summer vacation. There were sixteen of us in total and we had the whole place to ourselves which meant the kids could roar around all they liked!
Judah venturing out from his perch at the edge of the woods.
Observing the game of Frisbee.
Abby and Emma ready for the catch!
More of the kids (and a mom!) and the remains of an attempted tepee.
Salt-loving plants growing on the dry riverbed.
Hendrik had a taste and says they are great if you need something salty
Abby, GrandBarry, and Riley standing beside the fuller of the river's two channels.
Abby throwing rocks and simultaneously telling us how horrible the salty plants taste.
View of the Salt River towards the bridge.
View of the Salt River facing downstream.
The little cliff we climbed down.
The kids thought they saw a face in this cliff.
What goes up must come down. Or rather, what comes down must go back up!