I decided I could wait no longer. We moved into this house last May but we still haven't finished moving out of our old house yet. There are still a lot of books, some toys, and a bunch of miscellaneous things to move. The playhouse outside has also not been touched so the kids have been without our play kitchen for almost a year. Yesterday I decided we would brave the cold wind and deep snow to drive out to our little log house and pick up a few things, namely the kids' kitchen toys and a books series that my grandma gave us when she was done teaching. It's full of activities for kids but unlike most books today, they are meant to be used by the child not the parent. The child explores the series for ideas and then can follow the directions and make their own fun. An added bonus? The cover of each book is a different colour so it forms a lovely rainbow of colours on the shelf.
When we got out there I had a bit of a reality check. I think cabin fever and the recent return of sunshine after a long and very cold winter have tricked my mind a little. The snow out there was literally knee deep, the temperature hovering around -37C with the windchill, and I had to break trail down the driveway and across the front yard. I made two trips to the play house and had to abandon the trip to the house for the books. What was I thinking? I didn't dress properly on my legs for one thing. Jeans are very poor insulators. After the first trip I had to sit in the van to warm up my fingers before I could go back, despite having on warm gloves. After the second trip my legs were screaming in pain from the cold. Everywhere that I touched on my legs felt like they had been horribly bruised but it was just the cold! Instead of inviting what was sure to be frostbite, I abandoned the third trip and contented myself with the play kitchen for that excursion. It was a good moment to explain to the three girls in the backseat why we have them wear snow-pants or snowsuits even when the weather *looks* nice or doesn't feel that cold initially. It took me much longer than anticipated to pack the trail and that was largely why I got so cold. Next time I'll wear warmer pants and I won't have to break quite so much trail!
A flurry of activity! The toddler does not acknowldge the "No shirt, no shoes, no service" rule. Ha!
Yeah, it's possible that the older two don't always appreciate her kitchen antics whilst they are pretending to be chefs for a nice restaurant. :)
I made "pancakes" out of yellow felt yesterday. They are more along the lines of crepes in thickness but they do the trick! Here Emma and Riley are practicing the art of pancake flipping.
I got this kitchen for a song on our local buy/sell/trade facebook page. It gets daily use by the kids (when kitchen and the kids are in the same location!). I would say that this kitchen has been one of our best toy investments over the years.