Joining in with Ginny at Small Things for Yarn Along
I'm continuing on with Judah's hat. I really need to get it done for him soon as we are starting to get some spring weather. I'm certain we will have more freezing temperatures in April so it will get some use before fall. I'm only five rows from finishing the knitting itself. Then it is on to seaming, weaving in the ends, and blocking!
I'm finishing up The Sisters Brothers and have started For the Love.
My mother-in-law sent up a little package for me on the weekend. Inside was the cutest little book and it is quite entertaining. It's one of those books you want to read a bit everyday so it's not over too soon!
(In the background you can also see the stripes of the Hudson's Bay Company socks she sent along as well!)
I always enjoy reading things from the earlier 20th century on dos and don'ts for wives, sewing, etc. I often get a chuck from them.
Posted by: Sarah Jane | April 08, 2016 at 10:19 AM