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January 17, 2011


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Maria Rose

We need to do that here!

Joanne Paul

Dear family; hope you are all having an amazing time enjoying the grandparent visit in your cold winter. I love your postings; they are very precious and keep us in touch with family we love way up North. May you be feeling better soon dear Jenn as you prepare for the arrival of your precious little one in a few weeks. Love to you all from the Pauls who have just returned from some work in HOnduras. Did see Karen who is now en route back to India and hope to see Jess this weekend. Reuben is back at school today as we just got home this morning. He learned so much about Honduras, central america and Christians working for justice...good that we didn't let his school get in the way of his education. He is looking more and more like Dwayne all the time....isn't that awesome? Love Joanne and family

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