Oy! The house, the house. It is scary in here right now. Just about every surface is covered with a pile or a stack of something. Very distracting. I want to clean it all but it's a bit overwhelming. We rearranged our loft last night to try to make the space work better for all of us sleeping up there and also for clothing and other storage. It looks better already and I think it will really help but a lot of things got displaced to the main living area and so there isn't a tidy area in the house right now. I think the solution is to go one surface area at a time and keep those that have been cleared free and clear of stuff, even temporarily. Off I go!
Here's my list of surfaces to start with:
-dining table
-kitchen counter
-entertainment stand
-coffee table
-top of fridge
-clean bathroom
-sweep floors
-put away the clean laundry I just frantically pulled off the line at the sound of thunder!